Player florovic posted a message on 15/08 10:49 on the MadWin Forum: block!. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players - Page 2

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Subject :  block!
16/08/2010 12:31:43

Hello 🙋 we

did have a technical problem on the PariMotsPariMots's being resolved!

The Web'.

16/08/2010 12:25:14

I just tried it and it works very well, nothing gets blocked

16/08/2010 10:27:05

Third day not being able to Play "parismots"! 😡
Hopefully things will change today....

16/08/2010 10:09:39

I'm in the same case as florovic I hope the PariMots problem will be solved quickly it's not the first time this has happened but I find it's a little long this time. the maintenance
may be on vacation? jylarch

16/08/2010 08:26:46

I'm blocking it too.
It's really possible.

16/08/2010 08:03:02

It's the same for me, it's been two days since PariMots is inaccessible!!!!!

16/08/2010 06:52:50

yes I have had the same problem since Saturday, July 14, 2am and it's not the first time.

Yours sincerely

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