Player lalili59 posted a message on 13/11 20:56 on the MadWin Forum: NON-STANDARD SCORES. Answer him on MadWin and exchange with other players

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13/11/2015 20:56:25

lanouzet 960 on yam cado, while all players know that going up to 700 on this game is a record
and rysia 859 on yam MadWin : more than 10 years I've been playing this game and never seen scores like this ; So Web if you go by there tell me really if you really boosted the game? Or if it is actually due to the time of the site

And I wanted to specify that yesterday it was the opposite rysia first on cado and lanouzet on MadWin ...Look for the error...Every other day...Each in Turn...Not to mention others who benefit from the system! 😠😠

14/11/2015 16:09:09

And on MadWin as our friend nail on the wall had already pointed out, Mathieu7000 is back with a score of more than 800...... He tries not to be noticed but we are not fooled... Personally I stop Play on the YAM until it is compliant for all πŸ˜”

14/11/2015 05:54:03

AND rysia...528: We'll see tonight 😲

14/11/2015 05:39:38

THEN look 5:37 am LANOUZET on MadWin...Advance 173 points...LOOK at his score tonight and talk about it again...Yesterday it was on CADO...Every other day.................................................................................................... 😲😲

13/11/2015 22:30:17

πŸ™‹ I have abandoned the challenges, but I also know that when you play a challenge for a long time, you know what to expect in terms of scores 😎 What does the site do
, if only by trying to try to change the time? 😈 Find
an excuse not to reward the winners of Winners prizes?
It would only be justified, if there is cheating, but it is high time to listen to the players, before cutting off their tongues! 🀨

13/11/2015 21:07:40

πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹ and yes, there are some..... who succeed!!!! it's like that...
I support those who play honestly!

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